
  • The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a grant under the SGW open competition to a research proposal written by Prof Dr Math Noortmann (Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM) and Prof Dr J.B.M. Koning (UM School of...

  • A total of 60 researchers from Dutch universities and knowledge institutions have been awarded more than 23 million euros from the SSH Open Competition M round 2022. This funding from the NWO's Social Sciences and Humanities domain enables scientists to conduct research on a topic of their own...

  • EU immigration and asylum law are plagued by disharmony and dysfunction. Lilian Tsourdi, assistant professor of International and European Law, is investigating how to improve the situation.

  • PhD thesis written by Giulia Giardi
    This book draws on never-before used data on both crimes and enforcement to shed light on this murky world. Whether you are professionally or privately engaged in contrasting corporate crime or environmental harm, this book can enhance your perspective and toolset...

  • Why do humans act the way they do? To answer this complex question, Hannes Rusch has to be a bit of everything: economist, biologist, philosopher, mathematician. He recently received a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant to develop and empirically validate an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for...

  • Is sustainability worthwhile? Or is it only worth it if it makes financial sense? Professor in Real Estate Finance Nils Kok and Professor of Planetary Health Pim Martens discuss.

  • What do the shifts of parties in the Provincial Council mean for cross-border cooperation? How do the largest parties view cross-border cooperation? What advice can be given to the members of the States and, when forming a new provincial government, to the Provincial Executive? ITEM provides...

  • Dutch knowledge institutions and research funders are taking a new step forward in the Recognition & Rewards programme. This involves publishing a road map in all Dutch universities of concrete plans for the immediate future, including new career and development paths for academics.

  • It all started with an unexpected discovery. Bart van Grinsven, associate professor of Sensor Engineering, figured out how to detect microparticles—bacteria, toxins and proteins—in a liquid using a rapid testing method based on heat transfer. Through the startup Sensip-dx, Jaap Drenth is now turning...

  • Is the hype around ChatGPT due to ingenious marketing or the disruptive power of AI on all our lives? What will it mean for the future of work and how will we have to adapt? SBE’s Jermain Kaminski and ROA’s Mark Levels look around and ahead.