
  • Four young UM researchers have received a Veni grant worth up to €320,000 from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This will allow them to further develop their own research ideas over the next three years.

  • Billions of dollars in foreign aid could be spent more effectively if international poverty statistics weren’t so inaccurate. Says Dr Michail Moatsos, Assistant Professor at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. 

  • Anecdotal evidence imply that what ones sees in a sausage factory cannot be unseen, and such an experience somehow takes away something from the joy that stems out of the carefree consumption of such delicacies. In this blog entry about the international poverty line’s maladies, I don’t want to ask...

  • The Dutch Research Council (NWO) awarded a grant for the new research project CHILD-WAR by Dr. Marieke Hopman and Dr. Guleid Jama. 

  • A study conducted by the Easo led by Prof. Gijs Goossens of Maastricht UMC+ and Dr. Luca Busetto published today in Nature Medicine.

  • "I am proud that our new Circular Plastics group published its first completely in-house research," Kim Ragaert says. She founded the research group three years ago, when she moved to Maastricht. Her work has laid the foundations for many innovations in the field of plastic recycling, and she is...

  • In the ever-evolving landscape of research and politics, the concept of purposive transformations has been growing in importance over the past years. However, the literature on transformations is diverse, lacking coherence, and necessitating better theorisation and cross-fertilisation. Typically...

  • Mayke Oosterloo is a movement disorders neurologist at Maastricht UMC+ and a researcher at the MHeNs institute of Maastricht University. In the outpatient clinic and various nursing homes in Limburg, she guides and treats patients (and their loved ones) with Huntington's disease. 

  • Drawing blood, inserting an IV, or looking into the ear; even seemingly simple medical procedures can cause anxiety, pain, and stress in children. According to pediatric intensivist Piet Leroy, comfort and trust are just as important as the medical treatment itself. Therefore, he is researching how...

  • Bas van Hooren conducted NUTRIM research on preventing injuries and on the future of personalized sports. He defended his PhD, June 17th.