
  • Simon Cornelissen isn't only attending the master's programme in Medicine. In addition to his busy curriculum, he is also an ensign with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and a working student at the Defensity College. Watch the video.


  • When it comes to food, Didier Fouarge has a wealth of happy memories. An only child raised in Namur, Belgium, he was used to eating fresh, delicious food from an early age. For this economics professor, cooking is more than a mere hobby.

  • With no fewer than three forensics chairs, Maastricht University is unique in the Netherlands. Bela Kubat, professor of Forensic Pathology, Paul Hofman, professor of Forensic and Post-mortem Radiology, and Wilma Duijst, professor of Forensic Medicine and Health-Related Criminal Law, discuss the...

  • After a fruitful career spanning 35 years at SBE, Dr. Erik de Regt retired at the end of August. Erik joined our School in 1986 and has made valuable contributions over the years, as a researcher, teacher, course coordinator, and most recently as the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

  • poetin

    DisUnited Russia

    Cybersecurity and Russian politics are global concerns—but digital technology is playing an intriguing role in Russia’s own upcoming elections too. Russia expert Mariëlle Wijermars explains.

  • The pandemic has called into question the idea of a Europe without frontiers. Sarah Schoenmaekers and Martin Unfried—specialists in EU law and Euregional cooperation, respectively—search for answers.

  • ronit shiri-sverdlov

    Food is family

    What she eats matters less to her than who her tablemates are. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov, professor of Inflammation and Metabolic Health, is happiest when eating at home with her family. The chef is whoever feels like cooking, the food is whatever they happen to have on hand.