
  • The first international Artificial Intelligence Song Contest is currently taking place online. Even better – it includes a team of UM students and local musicians.

  • A love for Japanese culture snowballed into a London conference trip for Lianne Hufkens, master's student Artificial Intelligence.

  • joordens en claessens

    Is time on our side?

    Until recently, palaeontology and evolutionary biology were not among the key disciplines at UM. This is set to change, say the newly appointed professors José Joordens and Leon Claessens.

  • Global climate change is an issue that Arthur Bribosia (UCM) and Marion Meyers (DKE) feel very strongly about. Strong enough to take action. Last May, they got 3000 people out on the street to join the first climate march in Maastricht. For the next march, scheduled for 20 September, they’re hoping...

  • For the European Horizon 2020 innovation project MaTHiSiS, researchers taught machines how to teach you by learning from watching you learn.

  • As part of the European consortium behind the ICT4Life project, Dr. Stelios Asteriadis and his group developed personalized care solutions for patients with neurodegenerative disorders.

  • Teun Dekker, the political philosopher and first professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education in Europe, turns every lecture into a performance. The goal: reaching his students. Thursday 31st January he will deliver his inaugural lecture.

  • How do you cook a sugar beet to obtain bioplastics? Ola Wróblewska answered this question in her dissertation, with with she earned the first ever doctorate at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials.

  • Kateřina Staňková, assistant professor at the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), co-led her team through a great challenge, resulting in a seed grant to advance their strategy to combat thyroid cancer.

  • cluitmans 1

    The hybrid researcher

    Research that transcends individual disciplines is highly regarded in academia, yet known to be incredibly challenging. Matthijs Cluitmans demonstrates that it is not only possible, but also of great added value. He obtained a joint PhD in 2016 from the Department of Data Science and Knowledge...