
  • Frans Verhey, professor of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry is proud of what the Limburg Alzheimer’s Centre has achieved and of its team, which works tirelessly to improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer’s. “Alzheimer’s tends to be seen as a horrible, deadly brain disease that...

  • From a small room in a quarantine hotel in New Zealand, UM alum Moniek Mestrom discusses the importance of emergency medicine and her experiences as a ship physician. Never has she felt so free as during expeditions to the Antarctic and Greenland.

  • Anne Roefs was awarded a Vici grant of €1.5 million. The professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating, was tossing up between a career as a scientist or a top chef.  

  • After more than 12 years at Maastricht University, Catalina Goanta is pursuing her career as Associate Professor in private law and technology in Utrecht. With the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, she will now focus on the legal issues that arise from human ads and...

  • As Russia’s geopolitical isolation deepens and economic sanctions begin to bite hard, one wonders what possessed Vladimir Putin to start his war in Ukraine? Will international sanctions help end the violence? And is there still a way to deescalate? FASoS’ Giselle Bosse on the anatomy of a...

  • Late last year Matteo Bonetti, born and raised in Italy, successfully defended his PhD dissertation on factors that influence investment strategy.

  • Hildegard Schneider is set to say goodbye. As professor of European Migration Law and former dean of the Faculty of Law, her career coincided with the foundation and pioneering years of the law faculty. She herself made an important contribution to the profiling of Maastricht University as a...

  • In the context of International Mother Language Day, we present a number of short videos about Maastricht University's language research.

  • PhD candidate Akudo McGee is studying the contestation of EU norms, particularly in Poland. An American citizen of Nigerian descent, she views the European project from an outsider’s perspective—with fascination and, increasingly, concern.

  • On International Women and Girls in Science day we like to highlight some of UM's women in science.