
  • The only way to get enough people to quit smoking to achieve the goals of the National Prevention Agreement is to substantially increase the excise duty on tobacco products. This is the conclusion of research by Maastricht University (UM) on the price sensitivity of people who smoke cigarettes or...

  • Two talented young researchers from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University have won awards. Kim Kampen received the KNAW Early Career Award and Floor van den Brand has won the Catharina Pijls Dissertation Prize.

  • Whether you want to improve the world or your chances on the labour market, you can continue to develop your skills at the university throughout life. Today, the universities of the Netherlands are launching the new online platform 

  • The Online Master Open Day on 20 November 2021 passed off smoothly: the platform was stable throughout the day with a good turnout. Over 2,200 visitors participated in the live Q&As and other sessions.

  • Unless the EU rules and tax treaties are amended, some cross-border workers will soon have to pay tax in two countries: in their country of residence for hours spent working from home, and in the country in which they work for hours spent in the office. Since COVID-19 has made working from home...

  • Due to the Corona crisis, also many cross-border workers are forced to work in their home country. They have been asked not to cross the border to come to their office situated in the neighbouring country. At the moment, this is only possible because the Dutch, Belgian and German governments have...

  • Can we make food bank customers happy with bycatch? Madhura Rao, researcher at Maastricht University, wanted to know whether donating excess caught fish to food banks would be a welcome addition to the packages and contribute to reducing food waste.

  • No fewer than 9 of a total of 21 assessed bachelor's programmes at Maastricht University (UM) have been named the best in the country. 18 of these 21 programmes are among the top 3 in their field. 6 Maastricht programmes have also been awarded the Top-Level Training quality seal. This makes...

  • On 9 November, Barend Last, educational specialist at EDLAB, received the SURF Education Award.