
  • The consultation round on the upcoming ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2021 is herewith launched! Grab the opportunity to share your experiences with ITEM! Dossier suggestions can be made up to and including 18 January 2021.

  • In border regions, national approaches to managing the corona crisis sometimes seem absurd. This is shown by the Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2020 that expertise centre ITEM publishes today. The report on the cross-border coordination, or non-coordination, of crisis response during the ‘first wave...

  • ITEM kapoenstraat

    A fresh start for ITEM

    Since August 2020 ITEM has moved to a beautiful historic building of Maastricht University in the city centre of Maastricht. In addition, ITEM has a new coordinator, Pascal Vossen, who runs the daily office since this spring.

  • Discoordination at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak caused numerous bottlenecks in the border regions, which proved to have negative effects on Euregional cooperation. The PANDEMRIC project (Interreg V-A Euregio Maas-Rijn), aimed at promoting Euroregional cooperation in the field of health...

  • Another significant victory for Maastricht law students in the Nuremberg Moot Court!