New center wants to take animals seriously

New centre for AnimalHuman Studies

In the natural sciences animals are studied as objects, and in the social sciences and the humanities, humans are central. The new Center for AnimalHuman Studies wants more attention in science to the relationship between the two, whereby animals are also regarded as active, social and intelligent individuals.

In January 2021, the Center for Animal Human Studies was founded by researchers and students from the Universities of Amsterdam and Maastricht. By promoting the interdisciplinary field of Animal Human Studies, the Center aims to bridge the gap between natural sciences and social sciences and humanities. The Center is a platform for scientists and students at all Dutch universities who are concerned with the many relationships between humans and animals. Anyone interested in our relationship with (other) animals can go there for information, scientific publications and education.

In this way, the Center demands academic attention for the place of animals in society, and offers a network for the growth of the international field of (Human) Animal Studies in the Netherlands. The center wants to further stimulate the growth of this field in the Netherlands and build a bridge between universities, researchers, students and a wide audience with an interest in the relationships between humans and animals.

In addition to sharing knowledge and offering a platform and a network, the Center will organize events and network meetings.

Prof. dr. Leonie Cornips on her research: 'Human-Animal communication, and animal language'

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