My experience at the Academy of Management in Boston

My experience at the Academy of Management in Boston

I just got back from the 2023 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference in Boston, USA. It was my first time attending this conference, and I was impressed by the experience. The AOM Conference is the largest annual gathering of management scholars in the world, and this year it was attended by more than 10.000 people from around the globe.

Wiebke Heinze

One of the highlights of the conference for me was participating in the SIM division doctoral colloquium. This was a valuable opportunity to get feedback on my research, learn about topics such as publishing, career, teaching, and the job market, and meet other doctoral students and faculty members who share my interests in social issues in management. I especially enjoyed the interactive sessions where we discussed our research challenges and opportunities, as well as the mentoring sessions, where we received advice from senior scholars. I felt inspired and motivated by the collegial and supportive atmosphere of the SIM community.

Another memorable experience for me was being part of the PDW on entrepreneurial ecosystems. I facilitated one of four tables that discussed publishing in this emerging field. I had the chance to interact with some of the leading researchers in this area, such as Christina Theodoraki, Ben Spigel and Erik Stam. They shared their insights and tips on how to craft high-quality papers that address important questions and contribute to theory and practice.

I further presented my project “Beyond collaboration: A review of positive and negative interactions in social entrepreneurship”. This paper investigates the diversity of positive and negative interactions in social entrepreneurship. My findings highlight how social entrepreneurs engage with a diverse range of actors through positive and negative forms of interaction. I show that social entrepreneurship research is biased towards more positive forms of interaction, such as collaboration. I map out avenues for further research on how negative interactions play out in social entrepreneurship. I received some helpful comments and questions from the audience. I also enjoyed listening to the other papers in my session that explored different aspects of social entrepreneurship, such as external enablers of social entrepreneurship, the hybrid nature of entrepreneurship, identity challenges, and pro-social motivations.

Last but not least, there are the socials, which took place at numerous locations around the city. You can tell networking is an essential part of the event, and much room is given for such activities.

Overall, I had a great time at the AOM conference. It was a rewarding and enriching experience for me as a doctoral student. I gained new knowledge, skills, connections, and inspiration for my future research and career. I look forward to attending the next AOM conference in 2024.


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