MCR Introduces the Service Robot Innovation Canvas

Service robots are transforming the service industry. From greeting customers to serving food and even offering advice, robots are changing the way businesses interact with their clientele. But how can companies adapt their marketing strategies to this new reality?

The Maastricht Center for Robots (MCR) has introduced a new tool to help service providers bridge this gap: The Service Robot Innovation Canvas (shown below). This strategic framework helps businesses assess the impact of service robots across three key pillars: Business Capabilities, Customer Service Experience, and Profit Formula.

The Business Capabilities pillar focuses on the internal workings of the organization. Here, companies can identify the core service activities that robots can take over and the technological capabilities needed to support them. The Customer Service Experience pillar looks at the external impact of robots on customer relationships, value propositions, and interaction behaviors. Finally, the Profit Formula pillar helps businesses understand the financial implications of service robots, including cost savings and new revenue streams.

By working through these pillars and the specific components within each one, companies can develop a comprehensive understanding of how service robots will influence their marketing strategies. This allows them to make informed decisions about service robot implementations, ensuring a smooth transition and a positive impact on the customer experience as well as business performance.

We refer interested readers to our recent chapter “Introducing the Service Robot Innovation Canvas” published in “The Impact of Digitalization on Current Marketing Strategies” (link). Additionally, MCR offers workshops to assist businesses and service providers in integrating service robots into their organizations. For further information on how MCR can assist you in developing your unique service robot strategy, please feel free to contact us at

Follow the MCR LinkedIn page & website to stay tuned for more exciting developments from the Maastricht Center for Robots!


Phillips, C., Becker, M., Odekerken-Schröder, G. and Mahr, D. (2024), "Introducing the Service Robot Innovation Canvas", Matosas-López, L. (Ed.) The Impact of Digitalization on Current Marketing Strategies (Marketing & Technology: New Horizons and Challenges), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 97-115.

The Service Robot Innovation Canvas

The Service Robot Innovation Canvas

Source: Phillips et al. (2024)

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