High mark for Online Master’s Open Day

Saturday's Online Master Open Day passed off smoothly: the platform was stable throughout the day with a good turnout. Over 2,200 visitors participated in the live Q&As and other sessions. The number of visitors may have been lower than at the previous two online editions, but it was still a lot higher than at the last physical open day, two years ago now. The rating for the online sessions was also high: a whopping 8.6.

As usual, the vast majority of the participants came from the Netherlands. International visitors came from a wide range of countries, mostly from Germany, Belgium, Italy and India. About half of the participants were bachelor's students from other universities.

In the week leading up to the open day, registered participants could already visit the platform to watch videos and other content, so that they were well prepared for the live Q&As and could ask more targeted questions. Over 2,700 visitors visited the platform during the week. The platform will remain open for this week as well.


Many visitors took the time to give feedback, which was generally positive, on both the programme presentations and the question-and-answer sessions. The European Studies presentation, for example, elicited the following response: “I think it was quite ground-covering and all-encompassing! I was left with almost zero questions.”

Commenting on the Q&A with an alumnus of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Decision Making, one participant wrote, “It was quite apt and focused on the agenda. Nicely organised! Would have loved to have more student peers on the session to get questions coming in from different perspectives though!”

Back on campus?

These and other criticisms, which often concerned the length of the session, technical problems or the composition of the groups, will be taken on board for the next edition of the Master’s Open Day. For a student interested in psychology, the event doesn't necessarily have to be an on-campus open house: 

“I think that this form of open day was actually a great improvement to the in-person open day that I attended a few years ago. First seeing the pre-recorded intro video and then getting a chance to ask Fred and the ambassadors was a perfect combination and really did answer all my questions. Well done!”

Next Master's Open Day

If you missed the Master’s Open Day on Saturday, you may want to block your calendar for the next Master's Open Day, scheduled for 19 March 2022. 

In the meantime, you can have a look at our event page on Facebook.

Master's Open Day 20 November 2021

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