FPN’s research policy officer Rense Hoekstra receives UM Medallion of Honour

Rense Hoekstra, FPN’s recently retired research policy officer, received the UM Medallion of Honour during his farewell reception.

Hoekstra has been at UM since 1986. As academic coordinator, he played an important role in formalising what was then Riagg Maastricht and setting up an infrastructure for fundamental research into all kinds of psychopathology and treatments. Later this paved the way for the research school Experimental Psychopathology (EPP), he was director of operations there from 2001-2006.

In his letter of recommendation, FPN dean Harald Merckelbach writes that Hoekstra set aside his own research ambitions to do this. He also praises Hoekstra's commitment, knowledge and network that have helped, among other things, in the transition from the EPP research school, the Differential, Medical and Clinical Psychology department and Mental Health study programme from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences to FPN. Hoekstra also represented UM on the Supervisory Board of Rino-Zuid, a training institute for health care and clinical psychologists.

In recent years, Hoekstra has been involved in the creation of Scannexus and was responsible for the safety measures for laboratory research during the corona crisis.

Thanks to the Observant for this article.


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