Focus on Diversity and Inclusivity

13 November 2017

On 8 November, Maastricht University organised a meeting that entirely focused on a strategic university-wide implementation of a Diversity and Inclusivity policy. In the morning programme deans, directors, and a representation of the Advisory Council Diversity and Inclusivity shared their experiences and ideas. They were inspired by Roeli Pot, Global Manager Diversity & Inclusion Rabobank, and Donna Lisker, Dean of Smith College (US). Both experts reported on their experiences in diversity management and policy implementation. Representatives of the University Council, the Local Consultative body, academic staff and other university bodies were present during the afternoon programme. 

On this Diversity and Inclusivity day, a Diversity Officer and an Advisory Board were presented to the academic community. Diversity Officer Dr. Constance Sommerey (FASoS) will assume her function on 1 January.   

In the afternoon programme, Rector Rianne Letschert presented during her speech a brand-new logo for the Diversity and Inclusivity theme. Speakers were once again Roeli Pot and Donna Lisker. Not only members of the UM community attended the afternoon programme: also the RWTH Aachen and the VSNU were represented. The day was concluded with a lively discussion and the agreement that diversity and inclusivity in the broadest sense of the word will be promoted by the entire UM community. On behalf of the Executive Board, rector Rianne Letschert will make sure the policy is implemented and monitored.

Here you will find more information about Diversity and Inclusivity at Maastricht University.

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