FASoS team brings award home from EuroSim 2019 in USA

During the EuroSim 2019 international inter-university simulation of the European Union that took place in the USA at St. John Fischer College in Rochester, NY between 28-31 March 2019, the FASoS team brought one of the 5 awards home.

The faculty congratulates Dominik Schmidt, second year European Studies Bachelor student, who was awarded best delegate at EuroSim 2019 for his alter-ego role. Dominik represented German Minister Michael Roth, member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), in the General Affairs Council.

Dr. Dorina Baltag is the EuroSim 2019 coordinator at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. EuroSim is organised annually by the Transatlantic Consortium for European Union Studies and Simulations (TACEUSS).

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