Elsevier Best Studies 2016: two #1 positions for FASoS programmes

In the annual ‘Best Studies’ publication by the weekly magazine Elsevier, the bachelor's programme European studies and the master's programme Media Culture were both ranked number 1. The ‘Best Studies’ survey is based on evaluations by students in the National Student Survey.

In the master's programme Media Culture students particularly praised the teachers, the facilities and the set-up of the programme. Furthermore, the master's programme Cultures of Arts, Sciences and Technology (CAST) received high scores for various categories: organisation and communication, set-up of the programme, assessment methods and facilities. The same goes for the master's programmes European Studies (ES) and European Public Affairs (EPA), for which the teachers and the education in general received high scores as well.

The complete list of results can be found on the Elsevier website.

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