DATASET project validates Digital Readiness Scan and delivers key insights

Last September the cooperation between the DATASET project of the North Limburg Fieldlab TISL and Logistiek Digitaal (part of the DIL program) was ratified. On behalf of the DATASET research team, Gerwin Zomer handed over the evaluation report of the Digital Readiness Scan to Anneloes van Klaveren and Joost van Deursen on Friday, July 12. 

DATASET researchers from Maastricht University (BISCI) and Fontys applied the Digital Readiness Scan developed by Logistiek Digitaal to several regional logistics service providers, scientifically validated the underlying methodology, and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of this tool. In addition, recommendations were made to help companies even better operationalize their digital strategy. The findings, advice and insights were recorded in the report "DATASET - Instruments to support your digitization journey: The Digital Readiness Scan. The scan is seen by the researchers as an effective tool to get an initial picture of where a company stands in terms of digital maturity. The researchers did a scientific validation of the design and systematics. 

Practical tool Digital Readiness Scan now also scientifically validated

The Digital Readiness Scan was developed by experts in the field and is used by Logistiek Digitaal to help SMEs in the logistics industry to seize the opportunities offered by digitization and to make the right choices and priorities. The developers and users of the tool within Logistieke Digitaal were therefore very curious to see what insights this scientific validation would yield. 

Collaboration provides valuable insights on how to become data-driven 

The main conclusions from the study are that the tool provides a good basis for determining where a company stands in terms of digitalization and which aspects in particular need further development. The design and structure of the model are in line with the main aspects of digital maturity according to the literature. However, the report does provide a number of areas for attention and improvement. The scan results are based on the perceptions of those completing the scan and are therefore subjective. Also, there is no empirical evidence for a set route to digital maturity. Finally, from the strength-weakness analysis, the research team recommends that the scan be used in conjunction with other tools so that, in conjunction, they help in a prosperous journey to digital maturity.

Towards an integral and pragmatic approach to digitization 

These other tools help to get a sharp focus on what you want to achieve with your digitization strategy, what the current ICT application landscape looks like and which business processes can be further digitized. In DATASET this integral approach with the use of a broader toolset will be further developed and tested in the next phase. Insights gained will naturally be shared with Logistiek Digitaal within the collaboration. In this way, practice and science are effectively working together on data-driven logistics, which is badly needed to continue operating sustainably and efficiently.

About DATASET and the Fieldlab TISL 

DATASET is a sub-project within the larger project 'Digital Greening', and co-funded by the North Limburg region under the Fieldlab Program Technological Innovation & Smart Logistics (TISL). 'DATASET' focuses on the North Limburg SMEs and together with companies is developing an ecosystem and innovation platform to promote cooperation between logistics and ICT. By sharing knowledge and insights from the North Limburg as the national program, this has great benefits for both. 

In this project, researchers and students from Maastricht University (Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation - BISCI) and Fontys University of Applied Sciences are helping (SME) companies with the right steps in their digital transition (DATASET) and their sustainability agenda (Carbon lesson). In DATASET, as in the DIL program, a scanning method is used to determine how digitally mature the company in question is. Improvement projects are then formulated and implemented to make the companies more data-driven.

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