Protests at Maastricht University - Update 6

Confidential and Online University Council Meeting

A public meeting of the Executive Board and the University Council was one of the agreements made last Monday between the Chair of the Executive Board, in the presence of the Chair of the University Council, and the protesters in the 'Rafah-Garden' at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS).

The situation has since fundamentally changed: the pressure from various groups within society to either take or not take steps is significant. This brings not only fundamental societal discussions but also concerns regarding safety. To allow the University Council and the Executive Board to engage in a careful and secure discussion, it has been decided to hold the specially convened meeting in a confidential setting (and online).

The purpose of the University Council meeting is to arrive at a preliminary reflection regarding UM's institutional collaborations with institutions in conflict areas.

More updates

  • Maastricht University's Executive Board, in close consultation with the deans, is developing a human rights due diligence assessment tool to help make an informed assessment of whether, and if so to what extent, our partners with whom we have an administrative partnership are involved in violations...

  • Due to the occupation of some of the FASoS buildings, FASoS will be closed until further notice. There will be no teaching on-campus today and we are looking into whether classes can move online. Our students will be informed about the closure of our buildings and the consequences this has on...

  • UM is still in dialogue with the protesting students that are involved in today's occupation of the FASoS building. The aim is and remains 'de-escalation', and the safety of everyone involved comes first. At the same time, we want to ensure that we can fulfil our primary task, education and research...

More news items
  • In the morning of Wednesday, 22 May, a group of student protestors occupied a Maastricht University (UM) building at Grote Gracht. This prompted the university to engage in discussions with the protesters, some of whom had also set up a tent camp behind the building the previous week. 

  • For safety reasons and to ensure the continuity of teaching and research, Maastricht University has taken a number of measures.

  • Read a personal message written by Rianne Letschert - also on behalf of the Executive Board and deans - here.

  • The University Council of Maastricht University (UM) is holding a confidential today.

  • The Executive Board Executive Board and the University Council of Maastricht University (UM) met today and discussed both the protests at UM and the underlying issue of international cooperations.

  • The protesters in the garden of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) may remain there over the Whitsun weekend on the condition that the protest remains non-violent and that the previously made agreements are kept. To date, the activists are abiding by these conditions.

  • It has come to the attention of Maastricht University’s Executive Board and Management Team via an anonymous email that six of the protesters who have been allowed to stay in the garden of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) have embarked on a hunger strike as of today until their...

  • Maastricht University has decided that some of the protesters at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) may remain present at night for the time being in the role of ‘observers’. The condition is that the protests remain non-violent and the agreements made by UM and the activists are kept.


  • Maastricht University's Executive Board and Management Team have agreed to allow a group of ‘observers’ to stay in the FASoS garden for the the second consecutive night. This will take place under the same conditions as last night. This decision follows yet another day of peaceful actions and...

  • Peaceful Gaza protests and tent camp at FASoS as UM’s Executive Board and faculty continue dialogue with activists.

  • The Executive Board of Maastricht University, the faculty board of the Faculty of Arts and Socials Sciences (FASoS), and the campaigning students and staff have agreed that a small group of 'observers' can remain on the grounds of FASoS tonight. The rest of the protesters have left the premises. The...

Also read

  • Nick Bos, Vice-President of the Executive Board of Maastricht University, has been honoured with the Sign of Merit from the city of Maastricht. He received the award on 6 June from Deputy Mayor Hubert Mackus in recognition of his significant contributions to the university and to Maastricht. Nick...

  • On 8 May 2024, the Globalisation & Law Network hosted a seminar featuring Elies van Sliedregt, Professor of Criminal Law and Procedure at Tilburg University. 

  • Maastricht University takes care of many distinctive buildings and art works that we all know. By giving them a new purpose, we preserve these icons and give them a new meaning, making them the vibrant heart of a bustling city. 

    Did you know that these buildings and art works also provide access to...