CGD presents their Annual Report of 2023/2024

The Centre for Gender and Diversity (CGD) presents their Annual Report for 2024/2025. In their work, the CGD aims to use their research as a vector of change - to not only describe and explain social issues but engage stakeholders and intervene for the sake of social justice.

The Centre for Gender and Diversity (CGD) is a research platform at Maastricht University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The CGD's mission is to connect researchers in the fields of gender and diversity studies, to facilitate networking with societal partners, and to enhance public-facing scholarship. Our members broadly focus on studying mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion from an intersectional perspective. The research we conduct concerns the making of cultural and social differences in cases of embodied experience, art, language, law, institutions, science and technology, and is grounded in feminist and intersectional approaches to critical analysis.

Read the full report to find out more about the CGD's progress. 

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