Cards against Pedagogy game now available as Open Education Resource

27 September 2024

Donna Carroll, Senior Coordinator for Professional Development at EDLAB, created Cards Against Pedagogy, a card game that helps educators reflect on their teaching. After a successful launch at UM Education Days, it’s now available as OER via edusources—ready to download and adapt for your own professional development.

A powerful professional development tool

At the most recent UM Education Days, Donna Carroll,  Senior Coordinator of Professional Development for Teaching & Learning at EDLAB, introduced an interactive card game she developed, called Cards Against Pedagogy, aimed at helping participants connect and reflect on their teaching practices.

"I was keen to try something new," Donna explains. "Inspired by the popular Cards Against Humanity and thanks to its open license (Creative Commons CC-BY), I was able to adapt and build upon the original design. In my version, Cards Against Pedagogy, I added a reflection round where participants share insights about effective teaching and learn from one another, making the game not only fun but also a powerful professional development tool."

After its success at the Education Days, the game gained further interest from colleagues at other universities. After demonstrating it at the National Conference for EHON (Het Expertisenetwerk Hoger Onderwijs), Donna was keen to share the full version of the game as an open educational resource via edusources.

Cards Against Pedagogy is now free to download and adapt – it even has blanks at the end that you can print off and fill in with your own statements. The game received nearly 200 views in its first week!

Download the digital version of Cards Against Pedagogy at edusources: Cards Against Pedagogy

If creating your own version, please use the attribution: Cards Against Pedagogy, created by Donna Carroll with graphic design by Damian Chmielewski, Maastricht University, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) offer students and faculty at Maastricht University free, adaptable teaching and learning materials in various formats. From handouts to full courses, these resources—licensed under open terms like Creative Commons—can be shared and customised.

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