Bachelor thesis supervised by MCEL members awarded


Charlotte A Campo’s LLB thesis was awarded by the Board of the Stichting Wetenschapsbeoefening UM as last year’s best bachelor thesis of the European Law School. The thesis is entitled "The social rights protecting posted workers and the recently adopted Enforcement Directive" and was supervised by MCEL members Elise Muir and Anne Pieter van der Mei. 

It explores the recently adopted 2014 Directive 2014/67/EU which aim is to improve the ‘implementation,application and enforcement in practice of Directive 96/71/EC (the Posted Workers Directive)’, better known as the ‘Enforcement Directive’. The essay assesses the value and potential impact of this Directive. It is submitted that not all problems will be resolved by the Enforcement Directive and that perhaps even a revision of the Posted Workers Directive itself might be needed.

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