Aleksandra Komornicka receives NWO Veni grant

For her project ‘The Market Next Door: Western European Multinationals and the Remaking of Central Europe, 1969-1993’, Aleksandra Komornicka has received a Veni grant of € 320,000 from NWO. Out of 1308 applications, Aleksandra’s application was one of the 174 that were honoured (success rate of 13%).

About the project

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reopened debates on the end of the Cold War, the 1989 transformations of socialist regimes, and the European Union’s eastern enlargement. ‘The Market Next Door’ revisits these debates by investigating the involvement of Western European Multinational Corporations in Central Europe between 1969 and 1993. Based on research in multiple public and corporate archives, the project sheds light on the contribution of business actors to the making of Europe as we know it today.

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