31 March - Minister invites: Get it off your chest!

Next Wednesday, 31 March, during the online meeting 'Lucht je hart', Minister Van Engelshoven will start the dialogue with students from Maastricht about the impact of corona on students and to discuss together what perspective can be offered. Students in higher education are welcome to participate. Tell Education Minister Van Engelshoven how you are doing, what you need and discover perspective together. In short, get it off your chest! The online meetings are organised by the student interest groups LSVb, ISO, LKvV, Student Union and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Please note: the program will be mostly in Dutch.

Join in via the livestream

The corona crisis asks a lot from everyone and certainly from students. The discussion will focus on what students need now and how they will start the upcoming academic year. In addition to the minister, of course we want as many students as possible to participate in the discussion, to watch it and to let themselves be heard. That is why the meeting can be followed via a special livestream, where students can actively participate via Mentimeter.

Date: Wednesday 31 March
Time: 15h30 – 17h00.

More info/link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/6778309518360092672/

The link for the livestream can be found via https://vimeo.com/525723833

Lucht je hart!

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