Melissa Schnitzer, MA Modern Political Culture

Melissa, 24, is from Germany and obtained her bachelor’s degree in European Studies in Germany as well.

"During my bachelor’s I decided to spend my Erasmus semester abroad at Maastricht University (UM) and couldn’t help but fall in love with the city, its people and the university itself. Because I wanted to keep a bit of a focus on the political realm while broadening my academic horizon towards a more intersectional and alternative perspective on societal, cultural, and political interrelations, I returned to Maastricht to study the MA Arts and Culture: Modern Political Culture (MPC).

This turned out to be the perfect choice for me. While MPC might seem a bit intangible at first, PBL allowed us to explore its multiple facets together and overcome any obstacles, from technical questions about where to find specific readings to supporting each other throughout the thesis-writing process.

Being a student representative for my fellow students additionally allowed me to peek behind the scenes of the university’s inner workings. Maastricht is an amazingly international place with a million things to do and discover, I personally loved studying at UM, and I can only wholeheartedly recommend MPC to anyone interested in an intersectional and captivating MA program."

Melissa Schnitzer
June 2024