Prof. Dr. Ron Heeren


Prof. Heeren has supervised more than 60 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, many of whom have received prestigious awards (NWO-Vidi and ERC grants for example) and are now leading their own labs or hold key positions in industry. Currently, he supervises masters and PhD students at UM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam.

His tutorial lecture on Imaging MS at the 2014 annual ASMS conference is still referenced by many in and outside of the field.

Prof. Heeren is part of the organising committee of the annual Mass Spectrometry in Biomedicine summer school in Dubrovnik (now in its twelfth year), where he tutors and inspires students to network and prepare for a career in MS. As the founding director of M4I (2014), he built the Imaging Mass Spectrometry division to perform cutting-edge research and train the next generation of scientists. He has designed and established a molecular imaging track in the Biomedical Sciences Master programme and is coordinating the establishment of a new Molecular Imaging and Engineering Master programme at UM. Together with his team, he has organised numerous hands-on imaging MS workshops.

Prof. Heeren’s educational contribution extends beyond the academic research community, and he engages the general public frequently: he hosts lab open house events to share his work, is featured in numerous YouTube and social media articles.

How do you know within 30 minutes whether a tumor is completely gone?