Introduction Days FASoS

We are very pleased to announce that education at FASoS will take place on-campus. This means that we expect all students to be present on location for the introduction days and their educational activities.

Mandatory attendance
Only in very exceptional circumstances, you are exempted from physically joining the Introduction Days at FASoS. You can only apply for the procedure to waive mandatory attendance  in case of:

  • Travel restrictions due to the colour code of your home country.
  • Severe personal circumstances because of COVID-19 related issues.

In addition, financial reasons or the COVID-19 situation as such will not be accepted as a reason not to come to campus.

The procedure to apply for waiving your mandatory attendance is as follows:

You have to inform our faculty by filling out this form.

In case of international travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 situation in your home country, the Office of Student Affairs will check to see if you are eligible to waive attendance at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Maastricht, the Netherlands on these grounds. Because of the continuous changing COVID-19 circumstances, we will start checking the international travel restrictions at the beginning of August 2023. You will receive an answer to your application as soon as possible, but on 21 August 2023 at the latest.

In case of severe personal circumstances, the Office of Student Affairs will submit the application to the Special Hardship Clause Committee. The committee will assess if the student is eligible to waive the physical attendance at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Maastricht, the Netherlands. You will receive an answer to your application as soon as possible, but on 21 August 2023 at the latest.