
SBE encourages bachelor's and master’s students to do internships within the Netherlands or around the globe. As an intern, you gain grounded and practical experience of what your studies might look like in a work environment which enhances your studies as well as it increases your employability and professional network. Many graduates often end up working at the organisation where they intern.

Are you a current SBE student and looking for the rules and regulations on how to get an internship accredited for credits? Please refer to SBE's Student Intranet.

Are you working for a company and want to connect with our talent? Learn more about collaboration and the skills of our students!

Internship possibilities for bachelor's students

  • Curricular internships (6-14 weeks)
  • Extracurricular internships (8-26 weeks)
  • Mandatory internship in BSc IB/EBE Emerging Market Specialisation (16-26 weeks)
  • Mandatory internship for Business Engineering students (Thesis Research Project, 3 to 6 months starting in February or September)

Internship possibilities for Master’s students

  • Extracurricular internships (8-26 weeks)
  • Thesis-Internship Programme (TIP). For more information see below: ‘’Combine Thesis & Internship’’

The SBE Internship Office has an extensive database of internship opportunities and is on hand for guidance and counselling. For companies providing an internship can directly post it into our database. For more information please visit the internship database using the link below


Find your internship

Combine thesis & internship

A unique chance for SBE master's students
Rather than face a trade-off between finishing your studies and doing an internship, SBE master’s students have the option of combining the two. During the Thesis-Internship Programme (TIP), your thesis will be written on a topic relevant to a company or organisation during a part-time internship. This gives your thesis focus and applicability and gives you practical work experience.

We see this as a win–win initiative for both student and company. As a student, you conduct research on a real problem in a real company, translating theory into hands-on practice. At the same time, you gain valuable professional experience and contacts to kick-start your career.