Experience Day BA Digital Society

Welcome to the Experience Day of our bachelor’s programme in Digital Society!

We are happy to welcome you at our Faculty buildings in the beautiful city of Maastricht, so you can really experience what it is like to be a student at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS). During this day we will touch upon every aspect of student life at FASoS, as we believe this is very important for you to ultimately make the decision whether the BA Digital Society and Maastricht University is the best choice for you! You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day, our advanced students will accompany you and answer all your questions about studying in Maastricht and student life. 



Welcome to the Experience Day Digital Society

Before attending the day:

Programme of the day

10.00 - 10.30Registration
Reception with tea and coffee
Main entrance, Grote Gracht 90-92
10.30 - 11.00Welcome and presentation on the DS programme 
by Thomas Frissen
The Plant
Room 0.010 – GG76
11.00 - 11.15Presentation on Problem-Based LearningThe Plant
Room 0.010 – GG76
11.15 - 12.00Tutorial group
You participate in a sample tutorial group in which you prepare an assignment (supervised by FASoS students).
The Plant
Room 0.010 – GG76
12.00 - 12.45Lunch + Q&A Session
A panel of FASoS students and a communications officer will answer questions on the programme and studying in Maastricht
Room 0.018 – GG76S
Common Room
12.45 - 13.15Lecture on Surveillance Society
by Kathleen Gabriels
The Plant
Room 0.010 – GG76
13.15 - 14.00Tutorial group
Second part of the tutorial group where you discuss the assignment (supervised by FASoS students).
The Plant
Room 0.010 – GG76
14.00 - 15.00Campus tour
Around the faculty and city of Maastricht
Grote Gracht 90-92 (starting point)


Help us improve the programme of the Experience Day and fill out and return our evaluation form. Your input is highly appreciated.

Virtual tour of the Faculty and the City of Maastricht

FASoS hotspots online Experience Day 2021

Your student life experience would not be complete without visiting the beautiful faculty buildings of FASoS and the hotspots of Maastricht, the oldest city in the Netherlands. Our students take you on a virtual tour, so join us and explore!

 Take the tour