08 Feb
14:30 - 16:00

Workshop: Writing Personal Grants, including the Narrative CV for Young Researchers

The Grants Office is delighted to announce the 2nd workshop as part of the FHML Research Talent Programme. This Research Talent Programme, organized by the FHML Grants Office, is designed to promptly inform young talented researchers about different grant opportunities, and to provide them with valuable insights into the composition of a competitive grant application and a compelling CV. 

Target Audience: 3rd-4th Year PhD Candidates and 1st-Year Postdocs FHML/MUMC+

Date: February 8, 2024

Duration: 14:30-16:00

Trainers: Grants Office Funding Advisors


     - Grasp the basic principles for writing an individual grant proposal, including the CV.

     - Gain insights into the evaluation procedure for individual grants.

     - Navigate through do’s and don'ts to improve proposal quality.

Registration linkhttps://maastrichtuniversity.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Lfrek35M679Kjs

Location: TBD

For questions, please contact FHML Grants Office: grantsoffice-hml@maastrichtuniversity.nl