05 Oct
12:00 - 16:00

Weekend of Science 2024

Are you smarter than a robot? How cold is -200°C roughly? And what does a university look like on the inside? Find the answers to these questions – and more – during the Weekend of Science at UM’s Faculty of Science and Engineering.

During the Weekend of Science, scientific institutions across the Netherlands open their doors to visitors between the (approximate) ages of 8 and 88. The Faculty of Science and Engineering participates again this year! You and your family are warmly invited to visit our location at Gaetano Martinolaan 10 on Saturday 5 October.

Participation is entirely free of cost.


We offer activities for the whole family and focus especially on children. The majority of our activities are offered in Dutch.

Science fair

At our science fair, you can take part in all sorts of activities related to science.  Have your picture taken as a real researcher, interact with our newest robots, visit our demonstrations, or do some experiments yourself. 

Opening ETpathfinder

Visit ETpathfinder, the one-of-a-kind physics lab

ETpathfinder is a testbed for developing new technologies that we will need to build future gravitational wave detectors. Gravi-what now? These detectors are extremely sensitive machines, which can measure the tiny distortions that arise when black holes and other massive celestial bodies collide. One such machine is the Einstein Telescope, that's currently being designed and planned. There will only be one Einstein Telescope in the world - and it may just be built underneath the soil here in Limburg. 

There is also only one ETpathfinder lab, which researchers technologies for these detectors worldwide. On 05 October, you can see it with your own eyes and learn all about the ETpathfinder. 

Registration for the ETpathfinder tour opens on 18 September.

ETpathfinder tours are in Dutch.

Due to limited capacity, it is only possible to participate in a Pathfinder tour by reserving a slot. You will be able to reserve a slot as of 18 September.