26 Apr
13:00 - 18:00

Valedictory lecture Ernst Homburg on 26 April

On Friday 26 April Ernst Homburg will hold his valedictory lecture entitled: “Verhalen van de Oude Berg: wetenschap, techniek, industrie en politiek in de Euregio” (Stories of the old mountain: science, technology, industry and politics in the Euregion).

Preceding the lecture a symposium takes place, entitled: “Historisch ambacht en moderne chemie. Een symposium bij het afscheid van Ernst Homburg".


Programme Friday 26 April

  • 13.00 – 15.15: Symposium, Turnzaal FASoS
  • 16.00: Valedictory lecture, Aula, MBB 4-6

If you would like to join the symposium please send an email to secr.hislk@maastrichtuniversity.nl, with the subject ‘afscheid Ernst Homburg – Turnzaal’.