07 Sep
12:00 - 15:00

Unlocking the Hidden Value: The Art of Valorization

Dr. Stephan Peters and Patric Machiels, active at Brightlands Campus, Netherlands

In today’s rapidly evolving world, academic research holds the key to unlocking a wealth of untapped potential. However, all too often, groundbreaking research remains confined within the confines of academic circles, failing to reach its full potential in terms of societal and economic impact. Enter the art of valorization – the process of transforming academic research into valuable outcomes that benefit both society and the researchers themselves.

On 7th of September 2023, 12:00 – 15:00 CEST (AMSTERDAM TIME) Dr. Stephan Peters and Patric Machiels, active at Brightlands Campus, Netherlands, will give a workshop on valorization of academic research.

The workshop will address funding and commercialization, guiding researchers through the complexities of these processes. By understanding funding options and the steps required to bring research into the marketplace, participants will unlock the potential to create economic value and drive innovation.

Research valorization is a collective endeavor that requires collaboration and knowledge-sharing. The workshop aims to create a vibrant community of researchers committed to maximizing the impact and value of their work. By coming together, attendees can learn from one another, forge connections, and spark innovative ideas.

With anticipation building, researchers from various disciplines will converge to unlock the hidden value within their research. The workshop will explore the art of valorization, opening doors to new possibilities and embarking on a path towards positive change.

As researchers harness the power of valorization, they hold the key to unlocking a future where groundbreaking ideas become reality, benefiting society as a whole. The hidden value within their research is waiting to be unleashed, and the time to embark on this extraordinary journey is now.

REGISTER HERE//forms.gle/GpJ4E4r7yip3GxD57
WHEN: 07 September 2023, 12:00 – 15:00 CEST (AMSTERDAM TIME)
WHERE: //maastrichtuniversity.zoom.us/j/96200629180?pwd=UXJ4WVVyVjhkb2x1NDNhYzdraFFJZz09

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