20 Aug
12:00 - 13:00

UM Data Science Research Seminar

The UM Data Science Research Seminar Series are monthly sessions organised by the Institute of Data Science, on behalf of the UM Data Science Community, in collaboration with different departments across UM with the aim to bring together data scientists from Maastricht University to discuss breakthroughs and research topics related to Data Science.

This session is organised in collaboration with the Community for Data Driven Insights (CDDI).


Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Title: Community for Data Driven Insights (CDDI)

By: Marc Dolman, Program Manager

Abstract: Maastricht University aims to implement the FAIR data principles in order to increase the recognition of high-quality research data and to create additional value in potential reuse or published research and the underlying data. In doing so, UM aims to become a "FAIR university". To become a FAIR university the UM started the initiative “Community for Data Driven Insights (CDDI)”. In this research seminar you will hear more about the CDDI ambitions, current activities and next steps. Looking forward to opportunities for collaboration.

For questions or concerns, please contact us via info-ids@maastrichtuniversity.nl


Community for Data Driven Insights