16 Jul
12:00 - 13:00

UM Data Science Research Seminar

The UM Data Science Research Seminar Series are monthly sessions organised by the Institute of Data Science, on behalf of the UM Data Science Community, in collaboration with different departments across UM with the aim to bring together data scientists from Maastricht University to discuss breakthroughs and research topics related to Data Science.

This session is organised in collaboration with the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering on July 16, 2020 from 12.00 - 13.00 hrs.


12.00 - 13.00

Talk by Monica Salvioli

Title: Modeling and managing evolving biological systems using Stackelberg Evolutionary Game Theory

Abstract: We introduce the theory of Stackelberg Evolutionary Games, characterized by a rational leader and evolving followers driven by natural selection. This theory bridges the gap be- tween classical and evolutionary game theory and provides a theoretical framework for the management of evolving biological systems. Two applications will be presented. Stackelberg Evolutionary Games can be applied to fisheries management, in order to select the fishing strategy that guarantees a sustainable exploitation of a fish stock, preventing the fish from evolving a smaller size in response to the fishing pressure.The same conceptual framework can be applied to the treatment of metastatic cancer with the goal of improving the standard of care. In this context, Stackelberg Evolutionary Games can help in determining the optimal treatment dose in order to maintain a stable tumor burden, to reduce toxicity and to postpone the evolution of resistance in cancer cells, which is the primary cause of treatment failure.

For questions or concerns, please contact us via info-ids@maastrichtuniversity.nl.


Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering

Katerina Stankova


Karen Zegers

Kody Moodley

Vikas Jaiman