08 Nov
15:30 - 17:00

Teach-Meet ‘International Classroom’

You are kindly invited to join our upcoming teach-meet, focusing on International Classroom, on Thursday 8 November from 15:30-17:00 at EDLAB (TAP X). Please register via edlab-info@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Maastricht University (UM) is widely renowned for its international classroom. Most people would simply refer to the international classroom as ‘having many different nationalities in a tutorial group’. Well, there is much more to that.

During the teach-meet we will explore some other essential features of international classroom at UM that take our international learning environment to the next level. On 8 November, you will learn about ‘Global Citizenship Education’, ‘Diversity in the Classroom’, ‘Benefits of Curricula with International Networks’ and ‘Teaching in an International Classroom’.

More information at https://edlab.nl/teachmeet/.

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