25 May
13:30 - 18:30

Symposium innovation for sustainable development

A glocal symposium about opportunities for local development and systems change.

ICIS, the International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development at Maastricht University, presents itself at its 20-year jubilee. This will be done through interactive lectures and workshops in English and Dutch based on parts of its work (transformation of society, the “new economy”, smart sustainable cities, living and urban labs, value (creation) and values, sustainability assessment and wicked sustainability problems). 

Furthermore, there will be time to network or simply to meet and greet. If so, please come to Maastricht for a half day event. We hope to meet you at ICIS! 


Time Activity
13:00 Registration
13:20 Opening and introduction programme/speakers
13:30 Presentation: Introduction ICIS
Ron Cörvers
13:45 Interactive lecture
Jan Rotmans
14:15 Lecture: System innovation for a more sustainable & social world (as a topic for research and action).
René Kemp
14:45 Introduction: Parallel sessions
15:00 Break
15:15 Parallel session 1
16:00 Parallel session 2
16:45 Presentation: What does/could ICIS mean for you?
17:00 Drinks and speed dating.
18:30 Closing

Parallel session

Urban Labs - Experimenting for sustainable cities

Smart Cities - On the way to Maastricht in 2040

What may traveling in Maastricht look like in 2040? How can you build future visions about this with citizens, businesses and urban organizations? How can this help the local government? The results of an ongoing smart mobility project are discussed in an interactive way.

By Marc Dijk / Bram Oosterbroek

About value (creation) and values

What is value, how we define it and how to measure it? How could/should organisations benefit from it and how could we implement it, what change is needed or already happening in the economy and society? What does it mean for business, society and all other actors?

By René Kemp / Marc Davidson / Myrthe Velter / Henk D

Sustainability Assessment for decision making

Sustainability Assessment (SA) aims to integrate knowledge on sustainability issues from different scientific disciplines and societal stakeholders to support decision-making. The ICIS approach to SA is characterized by an emphasis on problem structuring and learning, and attention for diversity in problem perspectives and uncertainty in long-term developments. SA is a prominent and distinctive part of ICIS’ Master program in ‘Sustainability Science & Policy’. In the course ‘Sustainability Assessment Project’, student teams conduct a 6-week consultancy project for external clients, including decision-makers from local, provincial and national governments, as well as from NGOs and companies. We will explain the ICIS approach to SA, give examples of the many successful student SA projects, and indicate what can it mean for your organization.

By Astrid Offermans / Joop de Kraker

Socio-technological innovation

An interactive session regarding the underlying drivers and barriers to improve the energy efficiency for Dutch households.

By Veronique Vasseur / Julia Backhaus

Other sessions

Meet and greet
ICIS staff may be approached to get better acquainted with ICIS.

Poster wall
Banners from ICIS projects

Speed dating
Possibility to talk to someone.