29 Apr 03 May
11:00 - 20:00
Discover Sustainable Maastricht

Sustainability week 2019

From the 29th April to 3rd May the Maastricht University´s Sustainability Week will take place. The week is organised by the Green Office which is a student-run organisation from Maastricht University which focuses on sustainability. Many events will await you- everything from workshops over movie screenings and vegan dinners is offered.

Highlight of the week: Symposium Making Sense of Sustainability

The Symposium on the 1st May (15.00-18.00) will deal with several topics related to sustainability, especially waste. You have the opportunity to learn and discuss a lot during this event. There will be an opening lecture after which the participants will gather in small groups.

The whole event aims to make sense of Sustainability in a variety of fields such as Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Health, Law, Psychology and Neuroscience and Science and Engineering. Sustainability experts from these fields will guide the conversations. Finally, there will be a panel discussion on how education and research will have to change towards a sustainable future. If you are interested to join, please register here.