13 May
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

Sustainability - Innovation and Sustainable Calue Creation

This series already started, but you are welcome to come to the last lecture.
Sustainability has become an increasingly important attribute of economic activities describing methods of production, but also qualities of consumption and attributes of capital investment. 

In part, this reflects popular concern with environmental preservation, but it also reflects changes in tastes among consumers and investors. 

Sustainability may also be a marketing device which can be employed successfully by large corporations and small businesses alike. 

In this series we look at renewable energy, investing in green buildings, sustainable banking, possible juridical actions against climate change and sustainable value creation.

Green hands

The individual lectures: 

1. Sustainability and Renewable Energy (Jacques Kimman / 8 Apr)

2. Sustainability and the Dynamics of Green Building (Piet Eichholtz / 15 Apr)

3. Sustainable Banking, Sustainable Necessity and Success in International Finance (Jaap Bos / 22 Apr)

4. Juridical Action against Climate Change (Dennis van Berkel / 29 Apr)

5. Innovation and Sustainable Value Creation (Paul Iske / 13 May)