07 Nov

On-site PhD conferral Radhika Bhuyan

Supervisor: Prof. dr. Bart Verspagen

Co-supervisor: Dr. René Wintjens

Keywords: renewable energy, firm innovation, industry life cycle, technology stages

"Firm innovation strategies in alternative energy systems-Exploring the Dynamics of Firm Innovation Strategies Over the Technology Life Cycle"

The thesis enquiries into our understanding of how, as technological conditions change from nascence to maturity, firms change their innovation behaviour. As technologies mature, firms strategize from less committal forms of partnership to more committal forms of partnerships such as mergers and acquisitions (M&As). It has also been deduced that changes in renewable energy systems occur as a result of changes in the maturity of the technologies, and which in turn influences how firms strategize and compete with other firms. 

Click here for the live stream. 

Language: English

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