02 Dec

On-site PhD conferral Paulus A.F. Geerts

Supervisors: Prof. dr. G.M.J. Bos, Prof. dr. T. van der Weijden

Co-supervisor: Dr. A. Moser

Keywords: patient-centeredness, shared decision making, e-Health

"Optimizing implementation of patient-centered innovations Learning from cancer care practice"

Patient-centeredness is an important feature of consistent, high-quality health care and requires development and implementation of patient-centered innovations. Quick progress in these innovations without rigorous scientific evaluation may lead to new care standards without robust scientific evidence. In this thesis, the sustainable implementation of patient-centered innovations was addressed, by means of a critical assessment of such innovations in four empirical studies. The first two studies regarded decision-making: Shared decision-making in hematologic oncology and multidisciplinary oncology team decision-making. These studies contributed to a better understanding of decision-making in oncology, in turn contributing to a patient-centered decision-making process. The other two studies regarded electronic health (e-Health) innovations: A patient portal in hematologic oncology and a multimodality application for patients suffering from multiple myeloma. These studies provided deeper insight into empowering patients with hematologic cancer by using e-Health innovations. The studies in this thesis have been small steps to overcome implementation barriers on the path towards a partnership between patient and healthcare professionals.

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Language: Dutch