16 Jan

On-site PhD conferral Muhammad Fauzan Ansyari

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Wim Groot, Prof. dr. Kristof De Witte

Keywords: data literacy for teaching, teacher professional development, continuous improvement, evidence-based profession

"Teacher Professional Development Interventions to Promote Data Use in Education

Given the increasing needs and pressures for making teaching an evidence-based profession and for continuous improvement purposes, data (information) plays a crucial role in achieving such goals. Unfortunately, teachers, either during their pre-service education or initial in-service training, are not well prepared with data literacy for teaching as a key necessity for continuous educational improvement and evidence-based profession. To these ends, professional development is crucial for developing teachers’ data literacy for teaching to effectively exploit the potential of various types of data within schools. Our evidence shows that supporting teachers through teacher professional development (TPD) contributes significantly to improved outcomes of students. The characteristics of the TPD determine both the effectiveness of the TPD and teachers’ willingness to participate in TPD. Based on these insights, TPD should focus on not only developing teachers’ data literacy for teaching but also institutionalising data use practice within school routines and practices, such that continuous improvement and evidence-based profession can be achieved.

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Language: English