11 Nov

On-Site PhD conferral mrs. Verna A.A.M. Jans

Supervisors: prof.dr. G.M.W.R. de Wert, prof.dr. W.J. Dondorp

Co-supervisor: prof.dr. H. Mertens (Universiteit Gent)

Keywords: ethics, medically-assisted reproduction, responsible innovation, preclinical research, clinical study, follow-up research

"From Lab to Fertility Clinic - The Welfare of the child and the ethics of introducing new reproductive technologies"

This dissertation examines how new reproductive techniques can be introduced in clinical practice in an ethically responsible way. The aim is to provide both professionals in reproductive medicine and legislators with tools to responsibly deal with the risks to children posed by the introduction of new reproductive techniques. In this context, four conclusions are drawn. First, research with animals into the efficacy and safety of new reproductive techniques is ethically acceptable under certain conditions. It is important to continue to research how animal testing can be further replaced, reduced and refined. Second, the use of human embryos for pre-clinical research is a morally acceptable method to reduce animal testing where possible. Third, responsible innovation requires a strategy of systematic prudence. Legislation is needed to support regulation. Finally, professionals may actively motivate parents and children born as a result of reproductive techniques to participate in follow-up research.

Click here for the full dissertation.