30 Jun

On-Site PhD conferral mrs. Birgit Levelink

Supervisors: prof.dr. E. Dompeling, prof.dr. F.J.M. Feron

Co-supervisor: dr. D.M.C.B. van Zeben-van der Aa

Key words: ADHD, child, Transformation Youth Care, ADHD guidelines, risk factors

"Social paediatric perspective on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder"

Whenever social paediatricians evaluate a child, they always look at physical and psychosocial characteristics and assess the interaction between these characteristics. They always team up with a wide range of (care) professionals working in all echelons of healthcare. This study evaluated children with symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity from this social paediatric perspective. Characteristics of children who were referred to a specialized ADHD clinic before the transformation and transition of Youth Care in The Netherlands were analysed to gain insight into their specific physical and psychosocial characteristics. In addition, (care) professionals were asked which psychosocial and physical characteristics they assess before they make a diagnosis of ADHD by means of a survey. Furthermore, data concerning environmental risk factors, collected for the KOALA Birth Cohort Study were analysed. Associations between ADHD and risk factors before and during pregnancy and just after delivery were studied. Besides, possible relationships between ADHD at the age of 8 to 10 years and screen time (TV time and computer time) and total sleep time at the age of 2.4 and 6 years were analysed. Finally, the relationship between ADHD and general parenting was investigated.

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