03 Dec

On-Site PhD conferral Daniel M.F. Claassens

Supervisors: Prof. dr. J.M. ten Berg, Prof. dr. A.W.J. van t Hof

Co-supervisors: Dr. V.H.M. Deneer, UMC Utrecht, Dr. R.S. Hermanides, Isala klinieken, Zwolle

Key words: heart attack, personalized medicine, blood thinners

"Implementing pharmacogenetics to personalize antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction"

This dissertation studied whether it is possible to let a simple genetic test determine the choice for the blood thinner that patients have to use after a heart infarct. It also investigated whether this would lead to a reduction in the number of side-effects compared to the current standard treatment with stronger blood thinners. This international study with almost 2500 patients from the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy indeed showed that it is possible to have these results available quickly (within 24 hours) and to adjust the therapy accordingly. The study showed that patients in whom the blood thinner was selected on the basis of the genetic research had fewer bleedings, without an increased risk of a new heart attack, cerebral infarction or death. It was also shown that this strategy leads to a reduction in healthcare costs and an improvement in quality of life.

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