04 Jul

On-Site PhD conferral Bram Oosterbroek

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Pim Martens, Prof. dr. Joop de Kraker

Co-supervisor: Dr. Maud Huynen

Keywords: health effects, urban green space, computer model, Maastricht

"Assessing the health benefits and burdens of urban greenspace: A spatial modelling approach"

Despite the fact that many people are exposed to the health effects of urban planning of cities and their green spaces on a daily basis, few tools are available to assess both their health benefits and burdens. This dissertation developed a computer model to measure these health effects. As an example city, this thesis focused on Maastricht, with the following measurement variables: visual attractiveness; cooling; improvement of air quality; perceived safety; and reduction of tick bite risk. For these health effects, the computer model can estimate these effects per street in Maastricht, and also indicate specifically what the contribution of urban green space is to this.

The model was applied to Maastricht to find out where in Maastricht the greatest related health problems are. In addition, it was investigated what the effects would be if the urban green spaces were to be arranged differently. Finally, the model was applied together with residents to estimate additional health effects. The conclusion of this thesis: by taking into account the effect of the location, the spatial composition and the type of green space when designing urban green space, it is possible to create multiple benefits for the health of residents on the one hand, and keep health burdens negligibly small on the other hand.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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