06 Nov 07 Nov
16:30 - 21:01
UM's Sexual Safety Programme presents


UM's Sexual Safety Programme presents SAFE SPACE, a Time Out foundation theatre show at MECC Maastricht, for UM students and staff. Entrance is free.

SAFE SPACE is an interactive and inspiring theatre show about topics that involve us all. The show shines a light on the grey area of (sexual) intimidation, discrimination, and power abuse in higher education. Especially in times when we are exploring what is desirable and undesirable behaviour (in the grey area), this performance contributes to open conversations. By joining this event you contribute to a more aware UM and you are an ally for the UM’s Sexual Safety Programme which aims to create a safe environment for all, free from sexual violence.

The event is part of UM's drive to build a safer university together. Building a safer university is something that we have to do together. Will you invite your friends/colleagues too?

Check out the Time Out foundation website (only available in Dutch) for more information about the theatre show SAFE SPACE. 

UM's Sexual Safety programme aims to create a safe environment for all, free from sexual violence.

Read more about Sexual Safety at UM


Registration is mandatory.

On Monday 6 November, there will be two shows in Dutch:

  1. Theatre show 1: 16:30 to 18:00
  2. Theatre show 2: 20:00 to 21:30

On Tuesday 7 November, there will be two shows in English:

  1. Theatre show 1: 16:30 to 18:00
  2. Theatre show 2: 20:00 to 21:30

You can find more information about the theatre show SAFE SPACE, check out the Time Out foundation website (only available in Dutch).

Hope to see you at one of the shows!

Do you have questions? Then read the FAQ below.

Watch the trailer (in Dutch), the show itself will also be performed in English


 How do I register?
First make an account by clicking on the green button on the top right of this page. After you have made an account you can log in and register for one of the shows.


 I have signed up for one of the shows, but I want to change the time slot. What do I do?
Please log in to your account by clicking on the green button on the top right of this page. After you have logged in you can change the show you want to go to. You will get a new QR code send to you.


 I would like to join but have accessibility needs, who do I contact?
For any accessibility needs, please contact the registration helpdesk via helpdesk@klinkhamergroup.com or + 31 (0)43-36 27 008


 I have signed up, do I need to show anything at the venue?
After you have registered for one of the shows, you will get a QR code send to your emailadres that you used to make your account with. Show this QR code at the venue, either digitally or printed. No other ID is needed.


 In what way is the show interactive?
There are two ways of interaction. The first is through Mentimeter and you can enter an anonymous name. The second is through discussions between the moderator, the actors, and people in the audience. When you want you can join the conversation but if you only want to listen that is fine too. In both ways your presence matters. That also means that no one is put on the spot because we take care of your comfort.  

Read Mentimeter's privacy statement here


 I am afraid that the show will trigger me emotionally, what can I expect?
What is triggering to one person does not have to be triggering to someone else and the other way around. Therefore it is hard to say if the show will be triggering. The show covers topics that might be uncomfortable to talk about or something that you have experienced yourself. These topics are therefore discussed with a lot of nuance and sensitivity. Moreover, the show focuses on the ‘grey area’ meaning that it is more about subtle things people say or do that might not be picked up in the way they were meant. There won’t be any graphic scenes with violence. 

If at any time during the show you feel uncomfortable you can walk away to the confidential advisors. That is super okay! The confidential advisors can offer a listening ear or support you further if you want. They are there for you. 

Also after the show you can still contact the Social Safety Team for Students or Employees (also known as the CCP).

Do you want to know more about the Sexual Safety Programme, sexual violence or how to contribute to sexual safety? Then read the ‘Sexual Safety at UMwebsite.

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