29 Jan

PhD Defence Marvin T.L.J. Martens

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chris T. Evelo

Co-supervisor: Dr. Egon L. Willighagen

Keywords: Adverse outcome pathway (AOP), chemical safety assessment, data integration, molecular toxicology

"Adverse Outcome Pathways Coming to Life Exploring New Ways to Support Risk Assessments"

This thesis addressed the challenge of finding better ways to assess the safety of chemicals without relying on animal testing. It focused on improving the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) method, which helped understand the effects of chemicals on human health. The goal was to make AOPs more user-friendly and to create a way to analyse large sets of data related to genes and molecular processes.

The study connected AOP information with a database called WikiPathways, making it easier for researchers to access and understand. The research also introduced a new method that combined AOPs with information about how genes work. This made it possible to study big sets of data and understand how certain processes in our bodies were affected by chemicals. Ultimately, this work aimed to reduce the need for testing on animals when assessing the safety of chemicals, making the process faster and more reliable.

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