20 Jun

PhD conferral Onallia E. Osei

Supervisor: Prof. dr. V. Mazzucato

Co-supervisor: Dr. K. Haagsman

Keywords: Left-behind” youth (i.e., migrants’ children staying in their origin countries), transnational digital communication, educational trajectories, migration aspirations-(cap)abilities (mis)alignments 

"Stayer Youth Shaping Their Transnational Family Lives: Experiences and aspiration of migrants’children living in Ghana"

A growing number of young people in origin countries reside there without one or both parents due to their parents’ international migration. However, most of the current literature overlooks the perceptions and agency of these youth due to increasing attention on what migrant parents and local caregivers do for stayer youth's experiences and aspirations. Contemporary youth studies call on emerging scholarships like this study to engage with youth for an extensive understanding of their experiences and aspirations. This study shows the importance of going beyond the dyad or triad (migrant parent-stayer youth or migration parent-caregiver-stayer youth) that has characterised most transnational family studies, to account for all relationships or interactions that shape these youth's experiences and aspirations.

Language: English

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