07 Oct

PhD conferral Mw. Anne-Hilde E. Muris, MSc.

Supervisor: Prof.dr. R.M.M. Hupperts
Co-supervisors: Dr. J.G.M.C. Damoiseaux, Dr. J.J.F.M. Smolders

“Hype or hope? Vitamin D in multiple sclerosis; a clinical and immunological perspective”

Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, immune system, disease regression, vitamin D

Vitamin D and its role in health and in diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) has generated growing interest in recent years. But the question remains: does vitamin D make a demonstrable difference for MS patients or have high expectations and an enthusiastic response created a hype that science has yet to substantiate?

This dissertation examines the role of vitamin D in MS disease regression, as vitamin D levels tend to play a particularly significant role in disease activity and disease regression early on in the illness. Prescribing high doses of vitamin D does not change the patient's immune system, but does prevent further deregulation.

Part of this study was sponsored by the National MS Foundation and Merck Serono.