01 Feb

PhD Conferral Mrs. Veerle M. Timmermans, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. T. Harks, Augsburg University; prof.dr.ir C.P.M. van Hoesel

Keywords: game theory, Nash equilibrium, optimization.

“Uniqueness and Computation of Equilibria in Resource Allocation Games”

Which route provides you the least amount of travel time? How much does a company need to produce for maximum profit? The driver and company are part of a game in which participants need to make a choice at the same time and their goal is their own profit. How can you make a strategic decision when your profit depends on your competition’s choices? This thesis researches the Nash equilibrium: situations in which no participant is better off by changing strategy. The thesis investigates if the Nash equilibrium always exists, whether it is unique, and how it can efficiently be found.