17 Dec

PhD Conferral Mrs. Steffy E.A. Stans, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. A.J.H.M. Beurskens
Co-supervisors: dr. R.J.P. Dalemans, dr. U.R. Roentgen

Keywords: communication, discussions, communication vulnerability, tools, client participation

“Communication for Participation: Facilitating dialogue conversations between communication vulnerable people and healthcare professionals”

Good communication between clients and healthcare providers is the key to ensuring quality of care, healthcare satisfaction, and client-oriented care. Vulnerable communicators, however, may have trouble talking to their healthcare providers. They may find it difficult to express their needs and/or understand the information given by their healthcare provider due to memory, speech, or concentration problems. This study found that clients who are vulnerable communicators cannot participate optimally in discussions, which means decisions are often made for them instead of with them. However, there are several communication tools that can help give them a voice in their own care process and in research. A communication decision aid was developed together with clients and healthcare providers: www.communicatiekeuzehulp.nl. On this website, healthcare providers and clients can look for resources that suit their perceived communication difficulties.